Goran Sudžuka

Goran Sudžuka (1969) began working as animator for Zagreb film in 1989, at the same time having his first comic strips and illustrations published. The majority of his comic strips, both for the Croatian and German markets, were made in cooperation with Darko Macan as scriptwriter. In 1999 he began working for the US publishing house DC/Vertigo. Together with Jamie Delan he created the series ‘Outlaw Nation’ for which in 2001 he received the ‘Russ Manning Most Promising Newcomer Award’. In years 2004/5 he created an album for the French publishing house Delcourt within the series ‘L’ histoire secrete’ based on the script by Jean-Pierre Pecau, and revived his cooperation with Vertigo as a guest comic artist in the extremely successful serial ‘Y – The Last Man’, written by Brian K. Vaughan.

Goran Sudžuka: “L’ histoire secrete / The Secret History” #3 5, 2007, 33×46 cm

Posted in Croatia