Boža Veselinović

Boža Veselinović (1921-1999) studied architecture, but never graduated. For four decades he was contributing illustrations to Politikin zabavnik magazine, and occasionally also had them published in magazines Borba, Duga and Dečje novine. He is the author of more than twenty stories that he had published as comic strips in several magazines. His greatest success was the series ‘Dabiša’, set in the medieval Bosnia and telling the story of a boy. Also very popular have been the historical comic strip ‘Crni jahač’, the historical melodrama ‘Zlućmur’ and a rare daily comic ‘Tobi’. He was also drawing literary illustrations and contributed many to the Plava ptica book collection.

Boža Veselinović: “Kapetan Mat: Osvajači / Captain Mat: Conquerors” #1, 1968, 35 x 40 cm

Posted in Serbia