Vladimir Herceg

Vladimir Herceg (1947) studied painting at  the Academy of Fine Arts in Zagreb. Although painting was his first love, he was also creating comic strips and illustrations. His first strip, ‘Desperado Joaquin Murietta’, talking of the legendary Mexican outcast from mid-19th century, was published in Ljubljana Nedeljski dnevnik from June to December 1969. All his comics explore historical themes (‘Desperado’, ‘Erazem Predjamski’, ‘Ivanhoe’, ‘Samuraj Takeda’, ‘Leshijev dvojnik’, ‘Junak obale’, ‘V ognjenem vrtincu’). All these comics based on scripts by Ciril Gale were published in the first half of 1980s, either as autonomous releases or in the magazine Nash strip.

Vladimir Herceg: “Erazem Predjamski”, 50 x 71 cm

Posted in Croatia