Sebastijan Lechner

Sebastijan Lechner (1921-1945) had his first comic released at the age of seventeen in the very first issue of Paja Patak magazine. From then onwards, his complete opus was published in Mikijevo carstvo, beginning with the strip ‘Gospodar svijeta’. The most notable series to have been released in this magazine are ‘Džatro’, ‘Siegfired’ and ‘Princ Bialčo’. The final comic hero of Sebastijan Lechner, Princ Bialčo, was only beginning to acquire the shape of a series when due to World War II the publication of Mikijevo carstvo was terminated. He also wrote the scripts for all his comics. As well as the former Yugoslavia, his comic strips were also published in France and Bulgaria.

Sebastijan Lechner: “Princ Bialčo / Prince Bialčo”, 1941, 32 x 49 cm

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